Trademark applications
National German, European and international trademark registrations, German trademark; EU trademark EUIPO; International trademark WIPO
Oppositions and Appeals
Representation in opposition proceedings and appeal proceedings before the GPTO or Federal Patent Court in Munich and the European office EUIPO in Alicante, Spain
Trademark infringement
Advice on trademark conflicts and trademark related contracts (franchise; licence agreement for trademarks), trademark licences, trademark infringement proceedings
Trademark searches and expert opinions
Trademark searches national and international, trademark development and trademark strategies, expert opinions on trademark infringement (trademark infringement opinions), expert opinions on legal questions in trademark matters
商品または役務の商標およびロゴは例えばドイツ特許商標庁(DPMA)に出願して登録されます。 商標登録出願は標章(文字標章、図形標章または組み合わせ)と、標章を付して販売される商品/役務の区分からなります。 商標登録出願が商標審査官による審査を通過すると商標は登録され商標公報が発行されます。
商標登録出願について審査官が拒絶理由を発見した場合、これらは出願人(またはその弁理士)に通知されます。 これに対しては意見書を提出する機会があります。 商標公報の発行後、商標登録に異議の理由がある場合、第三者は登録異議申立をすることができます。
Filing of trademark application at the patent office GPTO or EUIPO (EU trademark) with reproduction of the trademark (word mark, logo, word/figurative mark) and formulated list of goods/services, payment of fees Patent Office
Formal examination
Examination of formal requirements by the office (GPTO, EUIPO). Possibly official communication about objections and reply by patent attorney.
Examination of the trademark for possible grounds for refusal like distinctiveness, need to keep free. In case of objections by the examiner, official examination communication and reply by patent attorney with arguments
Registration and publication
After a successful result of the examination by the Trademark Office, the registration and publication of the trademark take place. Within three months, third parties may file an opposition to the registration with the Office, on the basis of earlier rights
Lifetime of a trademark and cancellation procedure
The duration of trademarks is 10 years from the filing date and can then be extended every 10 years by paying fees (no maximum duration or term of protection). After expiry of the opposition period, a trademark can still be challenged by way of a request for cancellation or an action for cancellation on the basis of earlier rights
Decision of the GPTO
At the end of the examination, the German Patent and Trademark Office GPTO decides on registration of the trademark or rejection and cancellation if the opposition is wholly or partly successful